At Síolta we believe in offering people the seeds of wisdom they need to be fully resourced in their growth, healing and self-actualisation.

Síolta was born of the desire to make growth, healing and self-development accessible to everyone, and to build a community of people who will walk that path together.

Ireland is home to many amazing practitioners working with a variety of modalities which support self- actualisation, yet it can be difficult for people to find what or who they really need.

Síolta has brought together some of Ireland’s leading practitioners to co-create powerful courses and workshops, giving them a platform to share their gifts, and giving the public greater access to the teachers and healers they need.

We have co-created a range of online and in-person courses, workshops and events, as well as thoughtful free resources, which we hope will support those who are truly committed to their personal growth and to showing up fully for their community.


Síolta was born of collaboration and co-creation.


Meet our Founders.

Meet our Founders.

Hannah is a holistic therapist, artist, nature lover and truth seeker. Her journey of self discovery began over 10 years ago and has taken her down many winding and less traveled paths.

She started her working life in the features department of Harper’s Bazaar, before she moved to the music industry, touring with Florence and the Machine, she then transitioned to working as a video producer, creating content for organisations such as Amnesty International.

Through a series of big life shifts in her late 20’s she left London and set upon a journey of self discovery that took her all over the world. She spent 4 years traveling, seeking wisdom and gathering the skills she works with today. In that time she lived in the Amazon for a year studying Plant Medicine, she studied Yoga & Meditation in India, Consciousness with the Kriya Lightening Foundation in Thailand, she is completing a Practitioner Training with Holistic Therapist & Healer Estelle Bingham, and is currently doing a Masters in Depth Psychology.

She has been nurturing the seed that is Síolta for the past couple of years, allowing it to fully form in its own divine timing. Upon meeting Wayne it became clear this was something they would create together. Síolta is very much a heart led project for Hannah and she is so excited to be collaborating with a range of practitioners, all experts in what they offer, to create what she envisions to be a meaningful space for growth and connection within Ireland.

Wayne has been running a successful consultancy for the past 15 years, and a successful social enterprise helping care leavers (adults who lived in State care as children) for the past 8 years.

He won a national social entrepreneur award for his work in developing support programme for care leavers in Ireland. The European Commission provided support for that network to now cover six European countries.

This expertise and life experience of being a care leaver has meant many years of self-discovery in many modalities. He has co-written a book on trauma recovery, has participated in expert groups on trauma informed practices such as trauma-informed educational programmes, mindfulness for children and he has spoken at Dail committees on the need for trauma informed policies in Government.

Wayne has studied under Dan Siegel, Bessel Van der Kolk, Gabor Mate, John Wineland and Her Holiness Sai Maa.

Wayne mentors many people, provides support for many businesses and social enterprises, and has delivered many workshops in different settings. He’s also studying a Masters in Depth Psychology and developing this heart-led project with Hannah through divine intervention.

We can support you to…

Discover what you really need

The world of wellbeing and self-development can often be overwhelming and can feel disjointed. We have created a space where you can find clear and simple content and support for your growth journey.

Grow into your full potential

We know that in order to fully serve our family, our loved ones, our community or our work, we need to first serve ourselves. Síolta is a place for you to fill your own cup so that you can show up fully for everyone in your life.

Feel held by a community

The road of self-development and healing can be a lonely one - although 1 to 1 therapy is wonderful, having a community of people going through similar experiences is where the real magic is - that’s what you will find at Síolta.

Explore our offerings here

Fásaimid le chéile

We grow together