Upcoming Talks, Workshops

& Events.

Workshop - An Inner Journey with Breath & Sound - Cork

Workshop - An Inner Journey with Breath & Sound - Cork

This is a guided journey through your Inner Land Scape where you’ll find insight and answers that are deeply rooted in your inner knowing. The journey will be held with the support of Breathwork guided by Seán OCearnaigh, and a Gong & Crystal Sound Bath by Hannah Bowler.

This combination of Breath & Sound brings you into an altered state of consciousness, almost like a dreamlike state or an active imagination practice, where you will encounter your inner guidance.

We will gather in the beautiful Cork Lotus Yoga Studio, Cork City, and over two hours you will be guided on an inner journey where you can seek answers for questions you’re with, process experiences you are integration or simply be deeply nourished and energised by this altered state of consciousness.

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Free Seminar - Aligning with Purpose - Digital Visibility for Conscious Businesses

Free Seminar - Aligning with Purpose - Digital Visibility for Conscious Businesses

Transform Your Online Presence with Expert Guidance

Are you a wellbeing practitioner or conscious business owner looking to refine your digital visibility? Join us for an insightful 1.5-hour free online workshop designed to help you align with your purpose and enhance your digital presence.

About the Seminar

At Síolta, our mission is to make wellbeing and personal growth more accessible and to support practitioners in sharing their work with the world. This seminar is tailored for small business owners who are ready to take their online presence to the next level.

What You’ll Learn

Our Q&A style seminar is shaped by your questions. Submit your queries when you register, and we will address them during the session. Here are some example questions you might consider:

  • Setting Intention: How do I set clear intentions for my business?

  • Purpose, Vision, and Mission: What steps can I take to define my purpose, vision, and mission?

  • Values: How can I identify and integrate my core values into my business strategy?

  • Establishing Boundaries: What strategies can I use to balance my personal and professional life?

  • Aligning Strategy with Purpose and Values: How do I develop a cohesive strategy that reflects my core principles?

  • Reflecting Your Purpose Through Digital Presence:

    • Brand: What are the key elements of a brand that resonate with my mission and values?

    • Website: How can I design a website that aligns with my brand and serves my audience effectively?

    • Social Media Marketing: How do I develop a social media strategy that maintains authenticity and engagement?

  • How to Start: What are the practical steps for launching my digital presence?

  • How to Scale: What strategies should I use to grow my online visibility and impact?

Meet the Experts

Hannah Bowler

As the co-founder of Síolta, Hannah has acquired essential skills in website design, social media strategy, and marketing. She supports practitioners and small business owners in establishing and growing their digital presence.

Hannah’s Website & Instagram

Lisa Harrison

A multidisciplinary designer and art director, Lisa focuses on building impactful brands with a particular emphasis on climate action. Her holistic approach combines creativity, sustainability, and mental health to drive meaningful change.

Lisa’s Website

Cat Maher

With over a decade of experience in design and marketing, Caitriona specialises in social media management. She helps clients maintain an authentic presence without sacrificing time, values, or peace of mind.

Cat’s Website & Instagram

Why Attend?

  • Gain Practical Insights: Learn from industry experts with real-world experience.

  • Interactive Format: Submit your questions and shape the seminar content.

  • Network with Like-minded Professionals: Connect with other wellbeing practitioners and conscious business owners.

  • Free Resources: Access valuable resources to support your ongoing digital visibility journey.

Register Now

Spaces are limited, so secure your spot today! Click the button below to register and submit your questions for the Q&A session.

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Online Workshop - SHAME: Reclaiming the Medicine Within, with Claire Killilea - Donation Based

Online Workshop - SHAME: Reclaiming the Medicine Within, with Claire Killilea - Donation Based

Are there parts of you that whisper doubts, fears, and unworthiness? Do you find yourself afraid to be truly seen and heard, hesitant to step fully into your power, or ashamed of the shadows that linger within? It’s time to reclaim your power, rewrite your story, and embrace all parts of yourself. The Shame Masterclass is a 2-hour ritual journey into the heart of your shame, where you will confront, embrace, and transform it. This is not just a workshop—it’s a powerful initiation into self-acceptance and empowerment. Shame is not your enemy; it is a gateway to reclaiming your deepest truths. 

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Online Workshop - GRIEF: Embracing the Medicine of Life's Deepest Currents, with Jenny O’Hare - Donation Based

Online Workshop - GRIEF: Embracing the Medicine of Life's Deepest Currents, with Jenny O’Hare - Donation Based

Grief is a universal experience. Though we experience both large and small griefs in our lives, many of these go unacknowledged, accumulating in our internal selves, relinquished to the shadow of our collective reality. 

Grieving is a capacity of the deepest soul self, one that attunes us to our true aliveness. 

Our grief is an offering to life, from life, on behalf of more life. 

In this masterclass, we will look at the different gateways through which grief arrives; how it is that our lives and our modern worlds are calling to us to meet this potent reality, and we will learn how to acknowledge, befriend, and welcome this transformative essence. 

We make space for the messages it carries, drawing on age old indigenous wisdom, and newer modalities that blend psychology, somatics and interpersonal exploration. 

We will aim to grow our grief literacy and awareness, and the capacity within ourselves to meet and welcome grief, so that we may meet these times with greater clarity and grace. 

Grief is not simply death or endings, it is also challenge, struggle, regret, loss and attunement to what is missing as well as what is present. 

When practised, we cannot lose ourselves to grief, rather we liberate our lives to the fullness that is our birthright.

“Grief is a form of protest: it refuses to live numb and small.” 

-Francis Weller

Come to this masterclass to learn the many ways we can befriend this medicine, and transform our relationship to life and living. 

What You Will Receive:

  • Input and Teachings on the Gates of Grief 

  • Social and cultural context of Grief practice and its modern significance 

  • Embodiment and self care tools to process grief

  • Ritual activities to connect and anchor

  • Space to share your own experience

Who Is This For?

Anyone who has or is experiencing grief or sorrow in their lives who would like to sit this experience in greater meaning making and cultural context. 

Those seeking more resilience in their inner and outer worlds. 

Anyone who has carried something unseen or unwitnessed. 

Anyone in grief, in struggle, in beauty or in challenge who is moved by the necessity to tend to the dark and difficult as well as the light. 

Those who would like to support others (family, friends, loved ones, community) in their lives. 

You are welcome. 

Sign Up

Donation Based Workshop - GRIEF: embracing the medicine of life's deepest currents

You can choose to donate or attend for free

€10 - no code needed

€5 - use code GRIEF5

€0 - use code GRIEF0

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This workshop, alongside our Oct 3rd workshop on Shame with Claire Killilea, will feed into a half day retreat where both facilitators will be collaborating to create a container to go deeper into these topics - details here

About Jenny O’Hare

I am a facilitator, Depth Ecologist and Nature Guide. Originally following a passion for the living world through science, with a degree in Earth Science and a Masters in Ecological Conservation, I have worked alongside various environmental organisations and experienced the wonder and interconnectivity of our planet in many ways. 

Realising the depth of human-nature connection far beyond the scientific realm, and an awareness of this time of great need, I began to explore and offer deeper ways of connecting with the living world. I have trained in Environmental Education, Nature Resonance, Eco-Therapy, Eco-Psychology, Spiritual Ecology and Solo Nature guiding. I have also trained in the Work that Reconnects, and Ceremony and Ritual for Death and Dying. 

My offerings draw on all of these modalities, but hold simplicity at their core: our presence and participation with the world. 

Learn more about Jenny here

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Workshop - Love in Action - practices for intimacy & communication - Cork

Workshop - Love in Action - practices for intimacy & communication - Cork

Love in Action a workshop designed to deepen the connection between partners through guided practices & practical teachings about intimacy, communication & connection. Whether you’re looking to rekindle the spark or strengthen an already strong bond,

If you’re currently single but curious to learn relational practices to take into your next romantic relationship, please feel welcome to come along with a friend.

What to expect :

  • Nervous System Regulation

  • Masculine/Feminine Polarity Work

  • Conflict Resolution (Ownership & Expression, Blame, Attachment Styles)

  • Goal Setting & Relationship Structuring

  • Intimacy Practices & Rituals

  • Bonding Time with your Partner

Love in Action - Cork

We always offer our work at a sliding scale for accessibility - please pay what is within your means

Standard €90 - per couple

Lower Income - €70 - per couple - USE CODE RECEIVELOVE

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About the Facilitators

Since day one of their relationship Sean and Hannah have been studying relational psychology and methodologies focused on building a healthy romantic partnership, with clear communication and a deep sense of intimacy. These tools and practices have supported them in over-coming many obstacles and challenges, and they’ve ultimately built a stronger, more connected relationship through this journey together.

They want to share what they’ve learned with other couples or people who desire to learn tools and practices to take into future romantic relationships.


Sean O’Cearnaigh is a mindfulness, meditation and breathwork facilitator, his grounded and soothing presence creates a deeply safe space for your self exploration. Seán’s work focuses on bridging the space between the conscious and the unconscious, the somatic and the spiritual. He works with people in group containers online and in person.


Hannah Bowler is a holistic therapist who works with people one to one and in group settings, her work focuses on vulnerability and connection, and the path to inner-union so that we feel our innate sense of union with the world. She is currently writing her thesis for a masters in Depth Psychology with a focus on the inner-marriage, which is key to any relational work.

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Workshop - Grief & Shame // Brón is Náire - Reclaiming the Medicine Within

Workshop - Grief & Shame // Brón is Náire - Reclaiming the Medicine Within

A day of experiential practice and profound exploration of that which often troubles us. As we descend towards Samhain, and the embrace of the darker months, how can we befriend the darker parts within? What does it look like for a community to come together to explore that which often lies hidden? 

Grief and Shame live within so many of our experiences, yet they often remain hidden, ignored or even rejected. When we learn the skills and tools to welcome these vital aspects of life, we learn the profound medicine they contain. They lose their power to bind us. We free up so much life force energy, ourselves, and the the depth of wisdom that is speaking through them. 

Through expert guidance, gentle reflective invitations, embodiment practices, and ritual, we will explore together the profound beauty of turning toward our sorrows, our shame, our troubles, and letting them flow free. 


Befriending, welcoming, and reclaiming the stories of grief and shame. This immersive workshop is a journey into the depths of your emotional landscape, uncovering the wisdom hidden in the shadows. Through acceptance and reprogramming, you will transform these once-difficult emotions into powerful allies for healing and growth.

Practices You Will Experience:

  • Connective Practices: Deepen your sense of community and trust through grounding and somatic exercises designed to anchor you in the present moment.

  • Embodiment Practices: Reclaim your body’s innate wisdom with movement, breath, and somatics to embody the emotions of grief and shame, allowing them to move through and release.

  • Grief & Shame Circles: Participate in a deeply personal journey where you are witnessed, supported, and received by the circle as you honor and release your story.

  • Ritual Offering: offering back to life what you’ve uncovered throughout the day. Through ritualized actions, you will honor and release old stories, inviting in new beginnings.

  • Movement & Dance Practice: A celebratory dance, releasing through your body the space you’ve made within—soft, gentle, and freeing.

  • Silence as Medicine: Experience the profound medicine of silence, giving space for reflection, integration, and deep listening to your inner self.

Who Is This For?

Anyone who has or is experiencing grief or shame in their lives who would like to sit this experience in greater meaning making and cultural context. 

Those seeking more resilience in their inner and outer worlds. 

Anyone who has carried something unseen or unwitnessed. 

Anyone in grief, in shame, in beauty or in challenge who is moved by the necessity to tend to the dark and difficult as well as the light. 

Those who would like to support others (family, friends, loved ones, community) in their lives. 

You are welcome. 

How You Will Feel After the Workshop:

You will walk away empowered, with a deeper acceptance of grief and shame, able to say, "I am grieving" or "I feel shame," and hold space for these feelings with grace. You will feel freer, more whole, and aligned with your true self, equipped with practical tools to navigate these emotions with compassion and integrity.

You also receive:

Masterclass on Grief & Shame as preparation (pre-recorded included in ticket purchase)

Join Us

Grief & Shame - Reclaiming the Medicine Within

We're offering this workshop at a sliding scale to make it accessible - please decide based on your means what you can invest.

€110 - Give back to your community & support someone else to attend

€95 - Standard rate - use code STANDARD95

€80 - Receive support from your community, for those on low income - use code RECEIVE80

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Meet your Facilitators

About Jenny O’Hare

I am a facilitator, Depth Ecologist and Nature Guide. Originally following a passion for the living world through science, with a degree in Earth Science and a Masters in Ecological Conservation, I have worked alongside various environmental organisations and experienced the wonder and interconnectivity of our planet in many ways. 

Realising the depth of human-nature connection far beyond the scientific realm, and an awareness of this time of great need, I began to explore and offer deeper ways of connecting with the living world. I have trained in Environmental Education, Nature Resonance, Eco-Therapy, Eco-Psychology, Spiritual Ecology and Solo Nature guiding. I have also trained in the Work that Reconnects, and Ceremony and Ritual for Death and Dying. 

My offerings draw on all of these modalities, but hold simplicity at their core: our presence and participation with the world. 

Learn more about Jenny here

About Claire Killilea

Claire has been on her own healing journey for over 15 years and has journeyed with addiction and eating disorders herself, which drives her passion to support others. She recently moved back to Ireland from Ibiza where she was based for the last few years, Ireland called her home.

She creates unity through community, she co creates a safe sacred space for those who are awakening spiritually through ceremonies, circles & workshops. Empowering people through the realisation of the power they hold within allows them rise by accessing their unlimited potential.

Claire is passionate, powerful, free, wild, expansive, authentic, and empathic to all while being anchored and practical. She is a heart centred leader, with unwavering belief and faith, a people supporter and genuine expression of light on this earth who speaks a language that people can relate to.

Learn more about Claire here

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Weekend Retreat - An Inner Journey with Breath & Sound
to 17 Nov

Weekend Retreat - An Inner Journey with Breath & Sound

This weekend retreat will be an opportunity to access your deeper psyche through the modalities of breathwork and sound healing, so that you can encounter your inner guidance, to gain new insights and self-understanding.

These modalities are psychologically and spirituality therapeutic allowing you to enter a non-ordinary state of consciousness which supports the processing of unconscious blocks and self-limiting beliefs. This journey through your inner world brings inspiration, clarity and renewal.

The Inner Journeys will be supported by the idyllic retreat setting, nestled in the hills overlooking Bantry Bay. There will be time for both processing and integration, as well as restful time in nature, and sharing around the fire.

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Workshop - Love in Action - practices for intimacy & communication - Meath

Workshop - Love in Action - practices for intimacy & communication - Meath

Love in Action a workshop designed to deepen the connection between partners through guided practices & practical teachings about intimacy, communication & connection. Whether you’re looking to rekindle the spark or strengthen an already strong bond,

If you’re currently single but curious to learn relational practices to take into your next romantic relationship, please feel welcome to come along with a friend.

What to expect :

  • Nervous System Regulation

  • Masculine/Feminine Polarity Work

  • Conflict Resolution (Ownership & Expression, Blame, Attachment Styles)

  • Goal Setting & Relationship Structuring

  • Intimacy Practices & Rituals

  • Bonding Time with your Partner

Love in Action - Meath

We always offer our work at a sliding scale for accessibility - please pay what is within your means

Standard €90 - per couple

Lower Income - €70 - per couple - USE CODE RECEIVECONNECTION

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About the Facilitators

Since day one of their relationship Sean and Hannah have been studying relational psychology and methodologies focused on building a healthy romantic partnership, with clear communication and a deep sense of intimacy. These tools and practices have supported them in over-coming many obstacles and challenges, and they’ve ultimately built a stronger, more connected relationship through this journey together.

They want to share what they’ve learned with other couples or people who desire to learn tools and practices to take into future romantic relationships.


Sean O’Cearnaigh is a mindfulness, meditation and breathwork facilitator, his grounded and soothing presence creates a deeply safe space for your self exploration. Seán’s work focuses on bridging the space between the conscious and the unconscious, the somatic and the spiritual. He works with people in group containers online and in person.


Hannah Bowler is a holistic therapist who works with people one to one and in group settings, her work focuses on vulnerability and connection, and the path to inner-union so that we feel our innate sense of union with the world. She is currently writing her thesis for a masters in Depth Psychology with a focus on the inner-marriage, which is key to any relational work.

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Workshop - An Inner Journey with Breath & Sound - Dublin

Workshop - An Inner Journey with Breath & Sound - Dublin

This is a guided journey through your Inner Land Scape where you’ll find insight and answers that are deeply rooted in your inner knowing. The journey will be held with the support of Breathwork guided by Seán OCearnaigh, and a Gong & Crystal Sound Bath by Hannah Bowler.

This combination of Breath & Sound brings you into an altered state of consciousness, almost like a dreamlike state or an active imagination practice, where you will encounter your inner guidance.

We will gather in the beautiful The Fumbally Stable , Dublin and over two hours you will be guided on an inner journey where you can seek answers for questions you’re with, process experiences you are integration or simply be deeply nourished and energised by this altered state of consciousness.

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A Fundraiser for Palestine - Restorative Breath & Sound

A Fundraiser for Palestine - Restorative Breath & Sound

This is a fundraiser for Palestine - all proceeds will go to PCFR (Palestinian Children ‘s Relief Fund : www.pcrf.net) and to Connecting Humanity (www.gazaesims.com)

This event is donation based to make it accessible to all - donate what is within your means.

What is happening in the world right now is weighing heavy on all of our hearts. This event is being offered with the intention of supporting both the people of Palestine and supporting those in our local community by offering a restorative experience to those who are deeply feeling the pain of what’s happening in Palestine.

We have limited spaces so please sign up in advance.

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A Love Affair with Food

A Love Affair with Food

Join us for a sumptuous picnic overlooking the ocean, where we’ll come together to fall in love with food. For this workshop Hannah & Fiona will be holding a women’s circle focused on our relationship to food and nourishment.

For so many women our relationship with food is emotionally & psychologically complex, and it’s something we don’t often have the chance to speak about.

What many people don’t know is that the emotional relationship we have with the food we eat which can actually impact our ability to digest and intake nutrients. For this workshop we’ll be unpacking some of our less healthy habits and beliefs around food and the way we eat; we’ll look at intuitive eating, how we can learn hear what our body really needs; and we’ll touch on the value of eating seasonal & local, as well as attuning our eating to our hormonal cycles.

All of this will be in a beautiful seaside setting of Kinsale, an idyllic picnic overlooking the ocean, a gathering of like-hearted women, where you can share, connect, laugh and fall in love with the food you eat.

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What to expect:

𖤓 Women’s Sharing Circle

𖤓 Gentle Embodiment Practice

𖤓 Exercises to support self-inquiry

𖤓 Discussion on Intuitive / Seasonal Eating

𖤓 Tips for eating to support your cycles

𖤓 Delicious Veggie Lunch & Recipes to take home

𖤓 Sun (we are manifesting hard!), Sea & Connection

***If the weather ends up being too bad to gather we will reschedule for later in the Summer***

About Fiona

I have many years experience close to seventeen as a teacher, trainer and therapist working on-site as a Corporate Wellness Coach at European HQs of two of the largest IT companies, hosting/facilitating workshops, retreats, & wellness days from Ireland to Balearic Islands Mallorca, Menorca to Bali and Portugal.

Fiona works across modalities such as Yoga, Breath, Embodiment Practices, herbs, nature immersion/hikes, vibrant food, and more - she is a private chef, and understands that the connection we have with the food we eat nourishes us on an energetic and spiritual level beyond the nutritional.

About Hannah

My work is all about supporting people in discovering their innate beauty and power. I guide people back to their hearts, creating a safe and nurturing space for vulnerability, bringing light to the shadows and reclaiming the power and energy that exists in the places we least expect.

I draw upon a range of modalities which I have studied over the years and really listen to what a person needs in a specific moment. My work combines therapeutic techniques and mindset coaching. I take a spiritual approach to wellbeing, and bringing awareness to the energetic blocks that we all carry, both individually and collectively.

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Day Retreat - An Inner Journey with Breath & Sound - Tipperary

Day Retreat - An Inner Journey with Breath & Sound - Tipperary

This is a guided journey through your Inner Land Scape where you’ll find insight and answers that are deeply rooted in your inner knowing. The journey will be held with the support of Breathwork guided by Seán OCearnaigh, and a Crystal Sound Bath by Hannah Bowler.

This combination of Breath & Sound brings you into an altered state of consciousness, almost like a dreamlike state or an active imagination practice, where you will encounter your inner guidance.

We will gather in the beautiful lakeside space of Ashley Park House and you will be guided on an inner journey where you can seek answers for questions you’re with, process experiences you are integration or simply be deeply nourished and energised by this altered state of consciousness.

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Online Workshop - How to feed your hormones - with Christabel Courtauld

Online Workshop - How to feed your hormones - with Christabel Courtauld

How to feed your hormones: Eat your way to energy, confidence & feeling in control.

We are delighted to be offering this workshop in collaboration with Christabel Courtauld, a nutritional therapist & health coach (mBANT rCNHC), specialising in female hormonal health. She is on a mission to help women understand and nourish their bodies, supporting physical & mental health for generations to come.

We all have 3 opportunities a day to support healthy hormone production. In this workshop you will discover the most therapeutic foods for your hormones, plus simple, inspiring ways to add them into your meals. You will also explore blood sugar balancing and hormonal support through the seasons. These easy strategies encourage a healthy menstrual cycle, as well as a smooth transition into the menopausal years.

Christabel supports women from her clinic in Schull, West Cork and online. Her passion for food is at the helm, inspiring clients to create nourishing habits that stick.

This workshop will be held on Zoom - if you can’t make the live we will send you the recording.

We offer a sliding scale to make our work affordable so you can choose what is within your means to pay

Solidarity (support the community) - €20

Community (receive support from the community) - €10 - use the code COMMUNITY10

Standard - €15 - use the code STANDARD15

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Workshop - An Inner Journey with Breath & Sound - Cork

Workshop - An Inner Journey with Breath & Sound - Cork

This is a guided journey through your Inner Land Scape where you’ll find insight and answers that are deeply rooted in your inner knowing. The journey will be held with the support of Breathwork guided by Seán OCearnaigh, and a Crystal Sound Bath by Hannah Bowler.

This combination of Breath & Sound brings you into an altered state of consciousness, almost like a dreamlike state or an active imagination practice, where you will encounter your inner guidance.

We will gather in the beautiful Cork Lotus Yoga Studio in Cork City and over two hours you will be guided on an inner journey where you can seek answers for questions you’re with, process experiences you are integration or simply be deeply nourished and energised by this altered state of consciousness.

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Day Retreat - Remembering our Nature

Day Retreat - Remembering our Nature

Resourcing and Reconnecting to the Wisdom of Life

As Spring awakens and unfurls, join us for a day of connecting deeply to our nature, both within and without. 

Nature lives within us and through us, and so much is revealed when we explore this connection consciously. 

The living world is a primary source of nourishment and wisdom, of both sustenance and beauty, of hope and care. So too it is with our own inner nature. When we slow down and attune with the pace of the living world, our presence, our attention and our capacity for beauty awaken! 

During this day of restoration and rejuvenation, we explore our bodies as Earth, our relationship to place and self within that place. We tap into the wonder of our human selves. We experience the messages and meaning that lie in wait for us in the living world, and the collective wisdom that emerges through our community - human and beyond. 

This immersive day is inspired by the simple reality of reciprocity - as within so without. Come explore the full breadth and depth of your true wild natural self. Always available, waiting to be unfurled! 

We will be using tools of:

𖧧 embodiment and eco-somatics

𖧧 group and interpersonal dialogue 

𖧧 forest bathing and earth meditation 

𖧧 seasonal and cyclical attunement

𖧧 creative expression with natural materials

As we nourish our inner worlds, and connect with our outer worlds, we find the vitality that is needed in any given moment. 

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”

~Albert Einstein 

A day of practice, input, connection, poetry, creativity, awakening our capacities to act on behalf of Earth as Earth, gently tending to the garden of our souls. 

This day is for anyone who is eco-curious! For those who already have a strong nature connection practice, or are looking to deepen their skills and awareness. For anyone who is on the path of self growth, or is new to that path, and is open to a community, both human and non, in which to deepen that way of support, growth and flourishing. 

Your facilitators:

Jenny O’Hare is a Deep Ecologist and Nature guide. With a background in natural sciences, and extensive training in human nature connection, she uses eco-psychology, systems theory, embodiment, cyclical alignment and natures guidance to inform her work. The living world is her deepest belonging, and she invites us all back to that belonging. 

Hannah Bowler is a holistic therapist whose work focuses on connection to Self, to community, and to the world we inhabit. She takes a depth-psychological approach, grounded in the truth of interconnection and interdependence.  She is also an artist, creating in collaboration with nature, using natural materials and eco-art practices. Her creative practice focuses on listening to the land and aligning with its natural cycles.


This day retreat will take place in the beautiful and deeply restorative setting of Asley Park House, where you will be nourished by the breathtaking natural surroundings, good food, thoughtful workshops, and likeminded community. If you would like to treat yourself, Ashley Park are offering our guests a special rate of €75 for a single room on the Friday night, well worth the stay.

Flow of the Day:

10am Arrival & Opening Circle

11am Workshop - Our relationship with the living and beyond 

12pm Workshop - Dialogues with the land

1pm Lunch 

2pm Reflection

2.30pm Workshop - Creative Flow with Nature

5pm Closing Circle

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Workshop - An Inner Journey with Breath & Sound - Dublin

Workshop - An Inner Journey with Breath & Sound - Dublin

This is a guided journey through your Inner Land Scape where you’ll find insight and answers that are deeply rooted in your inner knowing. The journey will be held with the support of Breathwork guided by Seán OCearnaigh, and a Crystal Sound Bath by Hannah Bowler.

This combination of Breath & Sound brings you into an altered state of consciousness, almost like a dreamlike state or an active imagination practice, where you will encounter your inner guidance.

We will gather in the beautiful Cork Lotus Yoga Studio in Cork City and over two hours you will be guided on an inner journey where you can seek answers for questions you’re with, process experiences you are integration or simply be deeply nourished and energised by this altered state of consciousness.

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Day Retreat - The Wisdom of the Body

Day Retreat - The Wisdom of the Body

This event will support you in deeply tuning into the innate Wisdom of your Body. The body speaks to us in many ways, in the day’s workshops we will take a holistic approach to understanding what your body is saying and how you can work with this wisdom.

Throughout the day we will especially focus on supporting those who suffer from inflammation in the body which can take many forms and often leaves us not knowing where to turn. Our expert facilitators Fiona Loughran and Sean Kenny will guide you in understanding some key areas to work with when it comes to these bodily responses.

And even if inflammation isn’t an issue for you - this will still be an informative day, where you will learn to support your body in a holistic way, looking at movement, breath, nutrition, and the mind body connection. Plus the Retreat Space is beyond beautiful - a glass room overlooking a lake, it’s deep nourishment all be itself!

What the day will consist of :

Community & Connection

Informative Talks about the Wisdom & Language of the Body

Techniques for dealing with Inflammation

Breath-centric Yoga Flow

Wim Hoff Breathwork Session

Ice Bath (optional but we recommend it)

Ecstatic Dance

Delicious Vegan Lunch

Tea’s & Treats

Stunning Retreat Space overlooking a Lake!

The Facilitators :

Sean Kenny is a fully certified Wim Hoff Instructor and a wealth of knowledge about the bodies inflammatory responses. Sean lived with an autoimmune condition IBD (Crohns / Colitis.) since 2011, in which time he experienced severe Inflammation throughout the body and many debilitating symptoms. Through the Wim Hoff Method, breathwork, meditation, lifestyle changes, reconnection with nature and various physical practises he has been symptom free and healthy again for 4 years and is now medication free for 1.5 years. This is his first time without medication since his diagnosis in 2011.

Sean is passionate about bringing what he has learned and experienced about the healing potential of the body to those who feel at a dead end in their personal battles with their health. His story and knowledge is powerful, and he is a gentle and grounded presence in the way he works.

For this day event Sean will give a lecture about the power of breath, meditation and cold exposure therapy for the body in supporting healing and balance. He will teach inflammation suppressing techniques which have supported his personal healing. He will facilitate a Wim Hoff Breathwork Session which will give you powerful breathwork techniques to take home, and he will guide you in an Ice Bath Session, where you will discover your own strength and resilience and the power of cold exposure therapy.

Fiona Loughran is a versatile and multidisciplinary guide with a holistic approach to life and living. Her mission is clear: to guide individuals back to their natural state of bliss. Fiona's personal journey, marked by inflammation resulting from the challenges of bottling up emotions, inspired her to become a beacon of empowerment through embodiment tools, skills, and rituals.

With a rich foundation as a holistic and sports therapist, corporate personal trainer, yoga and Pilates teacher, and private chef, Fiona has woven a tapestry of experiences. Now, as a DIVINE ALIGNMENT bodyworker and embodiment guide, her central focus is on creating a sanctuary for support and fostering self-responsibility in well-being.

For this workshop Fiona will guide a breath-centric yoga practice, each inhale becomes a gentle tide, washing away tension, while each exhale is a release, carrying with it the burdens we no longer need to carry; unraveling the knots of inflammation that may have taken residence within.

She will incorporate self-massage techniques geared towards lymphatic drainage, continuing this journey of reducing inflammation. The body, like a wise companion, responds to our touch, allowing us to release stored toxins and alleviate the stress that contributes to inflammation.

Finally we will end the day with Ecstatic dance, a celebration of movement and release, joins this symphony. As we sway and twirl, we not only shake off physical tension but also invite a sense of lightness into our minds and hearts. This rhythmic dance becomes a moving meditation, a pathway to joy that reduces the inflammation of heavy emotions, leaving us feeling refreshed and renewed.

It’s going to be powerful…

By the end of this retreat, you will carry with you the wisdom of the body, the healing power of breath, and the practices to reduce inflammation and cultivate ease. It's not just about the techniques; it's about creating a lasting sense of spaciousness within, where the mind and body coexist in harmony. May this day be a sanctuary of healing, offering you the tools to navigate life with grace and embrace the ease that resides within your being.

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Online Workshop - Introduction to Mantra with Jeanie Jyanti

Online Workshop - Introduction to Mantra with Jeanie Jyanti

Introduction to Mantra Workshop with Jeanie Jyanti

Have you ever been curious about what Mantra is and how to use it?

Do you know why they chant Om in a Yoga class?

Would you like to learn a simple, free and accessible tool to soothe our mind, create space and feel balanced?

Then this is the session for you!

Jeanie is one of our leading practitioners and is the founder of Alchemy School of Yoga, which she set up 10 years ago. Jeanie has studied Yoga in depth and is a wealth of knowledge, she is passionate about taking yoga off the mat and helping others discover how you can integrate Yoga into your everyday life.

This is going to be a very special workshop not to be missed!

As always we offer a sliding scale to ensure accessibility for all - you can choose what payment works for you, just use one of the codes below for a reduced rate.

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Online Talk - The Wisdom of the Body & dealing with Inflammation

Online Talk - The Wisdom of the Body & dealing with Inflammation

We have a really special online talk between two of our leading practitioners Fiona Loughran & Sean Kenny - they will be sharing details of their journey’s with Crohns and Inflammation and how they have worked holistically to find their way back to the innate wisdom and healing power of the Body.

Join us on Zoom on March 12th at 8pm - just pop in your details and we’ll send you the link.

Sean Kenny is a fully certified Wim Hoff Instructor and a wealth of knowledge about the bodies inflammatory responses. Sean lived with an autoimmune condition IBD (Crohns / Colitis.) since 2011, in which time he experienced severe Inflammation throughout the body and many debilitating symptoms. Through the Wim Hoff Method, breathwork, meditation, lifestyle changes, reconnection with nature and various physical practises he has been symptom free and healthy again for 4 years and is now medication free for 1.5 years. This is his first time without medication since his diagnosis in 2011.

Sean is passionate about bringing what he has learned and experienced about the healing potential of the body to those who feel at a dead end in their personal battles with their health. His story and knowledge is powerful, and he is a gentle and grounded presence in the way he works.

Fiona Loughran is a versatile and multidisciplinary guide with a holistic approach to life and living. Her mission is clear: to guide individuals back to their natural state of bliss. Fiona's personal journey, marked by inflammation resulting from the challenges of bottling up emotions, inspired her to become a beacon of empowerment through embodiment tools, skills, and rituals.

With a rich foundation as a holistic and sports therapist, corporate personal trainer, yoga and Pilates teacher, and private chef, Fiona has woven a tapestry of experiences. Now, as a DIVINE ALIGNMENT bodyworker and embodiment guide, her central focus is on creating a sanctuary for support and fostering self-responsibility in well-being.

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Leading from the Heart with Hannah Bowler

Leading from the Heart with Hannah Bowler

We can all agree that the world needs more Heart right now - it can be a difficult thing to learn how to live with an Open Heart, while being able to field some of the painful things we see on the news or experience in our lives. Most of us grow up learning one protection mechanism - to disconnect and numb ourselves - but the unfortunate thing about this defence is that when we numb ourselves to feeling one thing, we become numb to feeling the fullness of Love, Joy or Connection too.

This online workshop, led by Hannah Bowler, and will be a gentle introduction into dismantling the walls we build around our hearts, opening up in a safe, resourced way to begin feeling more fully. You will learn to connect with the inner voice of your Heart and allow it to resource you in your life as you pursue your dreams.

Learning to Lead from the Heart is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself & the world.

This workshop is free for our We Grow Together Members which is €15 per month, and your membership can be cancelled any time - there are lots more resources available in the membership so if you’re keen to go deep this is the place for you to do it. Link here

We don’t want financial limitations to be an obstacle to people seeking this work - if you are unable to afford the workshop please reach out and we’ll give you a code to sign up for free.

The workshop will be recorded so if you can’t make it live you’ll receive the recording - though we highly recommend the live option if you can make it :)

Grá mór, Síolta

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Reflect, Reset & Envision - Day Retreat

Reflect, Reset & Envision - Day Retreat

We all know that the ‘new year, new you’ taglines we see floating around at the moment are often a gimmick, but at the same time taking time for reflection and integration, setting intentions and getting clear on your goals is a great thing to do, no matter what time of year it is.

This day retreat will be an opportunity for you to do just that - to take some time for yourself to reflect on the lessons of 2023, to integrate what you learned and to step fully into 2024 with heart, purpose and vision.

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Our Commitments


We always want this work to be accessible so we have a range of online events that are free for our community (yay!), We also offer a number of bursary spaces for our paid events, workshops and courses.

In person & online

We want what we do to be available to you no matter where you are based - we offer both in person and online events and workshops so you have the option to join us face to face or connect from the comfort of your own home.

Everyone has a gift to share

We aim to bring together people from all walks of life, both in the practitioners we champion and the community we serve, because building a strong community means honouring diversity and one another’s unique gifts.