Brian O’Nuanain

My life has been a box of chocolates, I've had some sweet moments and some bitter tastes that I wasn't expecting along the way, just like
everyone else I  suppose.

When I turned 30 something big changed in my life. The madness, the darkness started to be visible, I could see the addictions, I could feel them run through my body, my spirit was trying to talk to me and tell me there is another layer. There is pain that needs healing, needs to be acknowledged.

At the age of 32 I decided to travel down the plant medicine road and explore these beautiful healing plants and see what is it my spirit and soul where so desperately trying to heal. That journey opened so many doors so much that I had locked away and hidden. The pain, the darkness it was real, it was living in me.

Through this journey I began to unravel and acknowledge all that has
been and began the healing of these wounds. The mission continues with love, dignity and integrity.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
– Mahatma Gandhi

Through my love of sound, frequency and music I started to work with
people helping them with their own breath and intention fall into a deep place of relaxation and serenity. In this my clients have the keys to open the stories of the past, the hurt, the grief, the love that once
was. With sound and frequency we journeyed into all these emotions
allowing them to be witnessed  and felt. This is the beginning of the
healing process. On that journey I had been naturally called to ask our
ascended ancestors for their healing, it was just a thing that channeled
through me. I noticed a voice always guiding me in these sessions and
never thought for a minute why, it was all just so natural and made
sense at the time. different scents or actions, words and songs were
transmuted into the sessions. The results of these sessions for my
clients were huge. This was something I just  found so beautiful.

When I started to train as a shamanic practitioner my teacher Edwin
asked me how I worked, I explained what I was doing and he asked if I
would demo for the class and take everyone on a Journey. I agreed and off we all went on a Sunday morning. The results were the same people journeyed so far and meet so much and felt this huge wave of healing. Edwins response to this journey was beautiful, 'You just do what you need to and get out of the way and that's so beautiful and powerful'.

As I discovered my shamanic capabilities and learnings I introduced these skills and memories to my
clients. This connected them deeper and allowed me to hold them in a
different way. To journey with them, keeping them safe and seen at all
times no matter how far we went, what darkness we encountered. All was starting to make sense.

I've always known darkness and its emotions and masks but never
understood why. Part of my training has involved quite heavy energy
work, entity identification and removal. This work is so deep in my
heart as I know the personally the strength of this work.  Its not
something I talk about to often but it is something that takes place
from time to time and its such an honor to hold that space when it comes in.

After training in advanced Soul Retrieval and advanced shamanic works I was in such awe at the connection we all hold with the Devine spirit, our soul, our spirit so delicate and yet so strong. These teaching
brought me to a place of deep healing and want for all humankind to feel this connection realigned in their bodies. Its our right to be happy and fulfilled. My mission is to use these trainings along with all my god
given gifts and talents to continue the work of helping people to come
home to themselves and start their road to feeling complete in their
everyday life.

If it was all as easy as it sounds we would be too busy with polishing our haloes to say hello to each other.

Been given the gift to do it all again in a more conscious connected way is one of the biggest gifts I've been given, My mission has never been clearer in this beautiful journey.

Learn more about Brian…



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Stay tuned for Brian's offerings...