Dr Deirdre Walsh

“Feelings are the language of the soul”

Deirdre Walsh is a counselling psychologist who has worked over the past decade in the field of mental health in Ireland. Since completing her Doctorate in Counselling Psychology from Trinity College Dublin in 2015, she has worked in public and private settings with both adults and children. She is a member of the Psychological Society of Ireland and is an empathic therapist who values creating a space for clients to feel comfortable and respected.

She enjoys working collaboratively with people, offering a warm, trusting, non-judgemental and accepting stance. A shared approach is taken in her work as she collaborates with clients to work towards goals with the ultimate aim of providing meaningful change in the lives of those she works with.

Deirdre is also a trained yoga and meditation teacher and she has led many group classes and workshops in the fields of yoga, self-development, manifestation and energy healing. She believes that the integration of the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual aspects leads to true health, healing and vitality.

I believe that my soul purpose is to help inspire, empower and motivate others to unlock their fullest potential and live their best lives. I’m passionately committed to helping others transform their lives and rise up from emotional suffering and mental health issues. We’re all human. No-one is immune to the obstacles that present themselves to us as we make our way along life’s highways and byways. Every now and then though we meet with something along the way that overwhelms our capacity to keep going.

After years of living a lifestyle of seeking happiness externally in my early 20’s, fuelled by partying, perfectionism and poor self-care, I found myself at rock bottom. At the same time in life I experienced grief and the loss of loved ones where the feeling of heartbreak was immense. Then through many serendipitous encounters, I came across yoga teacher training and it took me on a journey of deeper self-discovery and a return to the heart space after many years of striving and working hard on doctorate and psychology studies coupled with an endless partying lifestyle which resulted in feeling burnt out and exhausted. It was around this time I began attending personal therapy and from here an empowering inward journey to recovery and finding peace from within began. I embarked on reiki and energy healing courses which spurred me further along on the path to helping others in a more holistic way, keeping in mind all I had learned on my own transformative healing journey.

I studied in-depth the concepts of Self-Compassion and Loving Kindness and then integrated both into my own life, and in my work with others too. I believe that these are fundamentals along the healing path. A further key is in providing ongoing space for ourselves to truly connect inwards and come home to ourselves. From my own growth journey and from also working with thousands of others I discovered the great need we have as humans to honour ourselves more and value who we are as a person. To stand in our own power and remind ourselves that our health and happiness matters.

Essential oil lover

Beyoncé mega fan since she was 11 

A student of Ayurveda

Some words about Deirdre…

“Deirdre shined a light of hope and love when I needed it most! She reminded me of my worth and innate value as a person. I’m grateful for that. I believe we all need this reminder every now and then.” - Client

“Deirdre helped me to see that there was another way to live my life, and that was to let go of fear and the lack mentality and move into an abundant mindset and state of being. She helped me to see that it was possible to break free of anxiety and that in order to live my best life I needed to let go of a lot of limiting thoughts that were previously holding me back. Carting my past around made me feel stuck, lost and low. Healing from that, freed up space in my life to focus on creating the new and from there beautiful opportunities and new beginnings opened up for me. It has been a transformational journey!” - Client

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