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Day Retreat - Remembering our Nature

  • Ashley Park House Nenagh, TA Ireland (map)

Resourcing and Reconnecting to the Wisdom of Life

As Spring awakens and unfurls, join us for a day of connecting deeply to our nature, both within and without. 

Nature lives within us and through us, and so much is revealed when we explore this connection consciously. 

The living world is a primary source of nourishment and wisdom, of both sustenance and beauty, of hope and care. So too it is with our own inner nature. When we slow down and attune with the pace of the living world, our presence, our attention and our capacity for beauty awaken! 

During this day of restoration and rejuvenation, we explore our bodies as Earth, our relationship to place and self within that place. We tap into the wonder of our human selves. We experience the messages and meaning that lie in wait for us in the living world, and the collective wisdom that emerges through our community - human and beyond. 

This immersive day is inspired by the simple reality of reciprocity - as within so without. Come explore the full breadth and depth of your true wild natural self. Always available, waiting to be unfurled! 

We will be using tools of:

𖧧 embodiment and eco-somatics

𖧧 group and interpersonal dialogue 

𖧧 forest bathing and earth meditation 

𖧧 seasonal and cyclical attunement

𖧧 creative expression with natural materials

As we nourish our inner worlds, and connect with our outer worlds, we find the vitality that is needed in any given moment. 

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”

~Albert Einstein 

A day of practice, input, connection, poetry, creativity, awakening our capacities to act on behalf of Earth as Earth, gently tending to the garden of our souls. 

This day is for anyone who is eco-curious! For those who already have a strong nature connection practice, or are looking to deepen their skills and awareness. For anyone who is on the path of self growth, or is new to that path, and is open to a community, both human and non, in which to deepen that way of support, growth and flourishing. 

Your facilitators:

Jenny O’Hare is a Deep Ecologist and Nature guide. With a background in natural sciences, and extensive training in human nature connection, she uses eco-psychology, systems theory, embodiment, cyclical alignment and natures guidance to inform her work. The living world is her deepest belonging, and she invites us all back to that belonging. 

Hannah Bowler is a holistic therapist whose work focuses on connection to Self, to community, and to the world we inhabit. She takes a depth-psychological approach, grounded in the truth of interconnection and interdependence.  She is also an artist, creating in collaboration with nature, using natural materials and eco-art practices. Her creative practice focuses on listening to the land and aligning with its natural cycles.


This day retreat will take place in the beautiful and deeply restorative setting of Asley Park House, where you will be nourished by the breathtaking natural surroundings, good food, thoughtful workshops, and likeminded community. If you would like to treat yourself, Ashley Park are offering our guests a special rate of €75 for a single room on the Friday night, well worth the stay.

Flow of the Day:

10am Arrival & Opening Circle

11am Workshop - Our relationship with the living and beyond 

12pm Workshop - Dialogues with the land

1pm Lunch 

2pm Reflection

2.30pm Workshop - Creative Flow with Nature

5pm Closing Circle

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