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Community Day - The Gift of Reciprocity - Hometree X Síolta - Clare

  • hometree Deerpark Ennistymon, CE Ireland (map)

This month we're teaming up with landscape restoration charity, Hometree, to offer a day at their vibrant headquarters which will include community & connection, a workshop focused on reciprocity led by eco-guide and deep ecologist Jenny O'Hare, mindful conversation over a delicious lunch, and time to get your hands dirty doing meaningful work in the hometree nursery with Finnian Flood. 

At the core of what we vision for Síolta is an ethos of caring for ourselves so we can better care for one another. Our August holistic wellbeing theme is 'Giving Back'. When we give to one another or to the earth, it also fills our own cup in a way that nothing else does. 

This is an opportunity to join together in community to nourish ourselves, nurture our connections, and to give back to an important cause - that of restoring health and vitality to our ecosystems. 

This workshop is offered at a sliding scale for accessibility and all proceeds go to Hometree to support their mission - you can learn more about hometree here

What to expect:

10am Hometree site tour - Finnian will be showing us around the Hometree project for us all to understand what were here for.

10.30-12.30pm Workshop with Jenny - focused on reciprocity and leaning into the give and take nature of life.

12.30-2pm Veggie Lunch by Hannah - time for slow conversation, connection and reflection - we grow together.

2-4pm Meaningful work with Hometree’s Finnian - a gorgeous opportunity to get your hands dirty, taking care of the land or in the tree nursery

4-4.30pm Closing Circle - grounded in the days experiences so we can truly take it home with us.

All proceeds form this workshop go to Hometree

Workshop - The Gift of Reciprocity - Fundraiser for Hometree


This workshop is offered as a sliding scale for accessibility

€45 - no code needed

€35 - use code GIVEBACK35

€25 - use code GIVEBACK25

Includes lunch

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