Hannah Bowler

“You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.”

- Rumi

My work is all about supporting people in discovering their innate beauty and power. I guide people back to their hearts, creating a safe and nurturing space for vulnerability, bringing light to the shadows and reclaiming the power and energy that exists in the places we least expect.

I draw upon a range of modalities which I have studied over the years and really listen to what a person needs in a specific moment. My work combines therapeutic techniques and mindset coaching. I take a spiritual approach to wellbeing, and bringing awareness to the energetic blocks that we all carry, both individually and collectively.

I’m an advocate for vulnerability and the power of being witnessed with the tender parts of ourselves so that we can heal and truly come home to ourselves. We all carry wounds, they may go by different names but at the end they are the same and they can be a deeply connecting thing when we are brave enough to face and share them.

My perspective is that in order to be fully in our power we need to be able to hold the polarities of life, light and dark, the measurable and the immeasurable, the scientific and the spiritual.

My journey of self discovery began over 10 years ago and has taken me down many winding and less traveled paths.

I started out working in the features department of Harper’s Bazaar, before moving into the music industry, touring with Florence and the Machine, I then transitioned into video production, creating content for organisations such as Amnesty International.

In my late 20’s I left London and set upon a journey of self discovery that changed the trajectory of my life. I spent 4 years traveling, seeking wisdom and gathering the skills I work with today.In that time I lived in the Amazon for a year studying plant medicine, I studied yoga & meditation in India, and studied consciousness with the Kriya Lightening Foundation. In 2024, I completed a 15 month practitioner training with Holistic Healer, Estelle Bingham, and am currently writing a thesis for a Masters in Depth Psychology. 

I will forever be a student, and for sure I don’t have it all figured out, there are always new layers to my own healing and self discovery, but at this point I’m sharing what I’ve learned so far with others. I live in Cork, West Ireland, and work with people both in person and via Zoom.

Combining blue sky thinking with managing the practicalities.

If we all learned to give real hugs the world would be a different place!

Speechless in seeing her dream of Síolta come to life - and beyond grateful to Wayne and all the practitioners for making it a reality.

Some words about Hannah…

“Hannah is a wonderful person and space holder. She holds a very warm, safe and non judgemental space. During times that we have worked on subjects that I may feel shame or resistance around, I have only been met with acceptance, warmth and caring, never judgment.”  - Alia, Sweden 

“Working with Hannah is one of the only times I feel I can truly let go and release what needs to be released. Post session I feel a true sense of lightness and calm; negative energy is neutralised; uphill struggles are diminished to gentle slopes.” - Sarah, London 

“Through our sessions she holds space for me to be completely honest and vulnerable. We laugh, I cry and even though we chat through a screen I can feel her affection for what I’m going through. Her grounding presence is infectious. Hannah is pure magic! If you are looking to dive deeper into the self, you’re in the right place.” - Amanda, Limerick

Learn more about Hannah…



Stay tuned for Hannah's offerings...

Stay tuned for Hannah's offerings...