Jeanie Jyanti Noonan

"We are all just walking each other home"

- Ram Dass

I’m passionate about taking yoga off the mat and helping others discover how you can integrate Yoga into your everyday life. If your Yoga practice isn't helping you live a nicer life, then maybe you haven't done authentic Yoga! I'm passionate about sharing Yoga from the source and elevating the standard of authentic Yoga in Ireland. I'm fortunate to have trained under Yogrishi Vishvketu PhD of Akhanda Yoga in Rishikesh, India and I have over 1000hrs RYT.  I’ve also studied with Usha Anandi of Womben Wellness, as well as Sally Parkes Yoga and Uma Dinsmore Tuli to gain over RPYT300 in Pregnancy, Post-natal, Fertility, Parent and Baby and Menopause Yoga. I have worked in the corporate world of Pharmaceuticals for 7 years having completed my BSc Hons in Chemistry from UCC. However, 10 years ago, I believed in yogic practices so much I left my full time, permanent, pensionable job (much to my Father’s horror!) to teach full time and have been teaching classes, workshops, retreats, events and Yoga Teacher Trainings ever since. 

Movement, Joy and Connection have been 3 things that have prevailed throughout my life. You'll find me seeking them in my day to day and if I can combine them all together...even better! As a child I was deeply connected and found that overwhelming at times. This led me on a journey of discovery and curiosity exploring everything from Chemistry (how atoms move and arrange in space) to chanting mantra with the Yogis in the Himalayas. The healing, peace and connection that Yoga has brought to my life is indescribable and I adore sharing these practices with others so they might find the same. Born and raised in Ireland, my Celtic roots and love of mysticism, lends to a holistic and varied interest in Spirituality. You will usually find me laughing, thinking about food, nerding out on biochemistry, singing mantras or talking about dogs!

Refuge creator

Divilment seeker

Curiosity curator

Some words about Jeanie…

"Thank you Jeanie Jyanti for the session last night. I've been to many Yoga classes over the years and no teacher ever resonated with me like you have. Your knowledge and teaching skills are so admirable. I loved the structure of the class and the variety was fab! I felt peaceful and energised at the same time. See you next week." - Gráinne, student

"I love the freedom given in the class to explore the body and not have to follow a rigid and set position but instead discover for yourself what you need. I love the meditation at the end also, it felt so meaningful." - Paul, student

"I felt like I was golden and glowing after this morning's session! Amazing, that even through a computer screen, I can feel like that. Thank you!" - Nadia, Student

Learn more about Jeanie…





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Stay tuned for Jeanie's offerings...