Jenny Grace

“This is the real secret of life - to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realise it is play.”

- Alan Watts

Jenny began practicing yoga and meditation in 2015 when symptoms of a chronic health condition were impacting her quality of life, resulting in giving up her career in clinical psychology in order to prioritise her health.

Starting with gentler practices, over time she began to experience their positive impact on both her body and mind. Overtime her health improved and eventually she was able to begin living a relatively symptom-free life.

Over the years Jenny noticed that these practices cultivated a deeper understanding and connection to herself beyond just the physical and mental benefits. She was able to live more in alignment with herself and what she wanted, rather than what she felt she should be doing.

In what many considered a strange career pivot, she decided to retrain as a yoga teacher due to her personal experience of the power of body-based practices to enhance physical and mental health, and bring balance, clarity and confidence to the everyday.

She is passionate about sharing both Eastern and Western Practices to provide a rounded approach to supporting and enhancing mental and physical health.

With her background in psychology, Jenny weaves together findings from modern science with traditional practices in her classes and workshops. She is aware that there are many moving pieces to looking after our health, and so she aims to blend elements from different disciplines to provide a holistic experience across all her offerings.

Jenny has a Masters in Social Psychology, two years experience working in brain injury rehabilitation, a publication on Post-Traumatic Growth Following Brain Injury and was pursuing training as a clinical psychologist before deciding to pivot and train as a yoga teacher.  Her experiences demonstrated to her not only the importance of individual practices for well-being, but the importance of community and belonging for better health.

Jenny's classes and events aim to enhance well-being and foster connection. These include yoga and meditation classes in Galway that span strong vinyasa flows to restful restorative yoga practices that allow the body and mind fully relax and restore.

She runs hikes in The Burren and events that aim build community, as this is one of the often overlooked pillars of well-being, along with retreats to remote places. She is also launching an online platform with practices and workshops that blend yoga, meditation, psychology, and breathwork.

Dreams of living on a west coast of Ireland island.

Has a notebook for everything. Still highly disorganised.

“I began attending Jenny’s classes/workshops/events earlier this year. Her way of seamlessly blending core yoga elements and considered psychology have had and continue to have a lasting effect on me. Always creating a zero pressure space with such a calming non invasive energy. I’ve gained a mindset and meditative tools that I now utilize daily.” - Kelley, Student

“Nature hikes .. brought nature inside me. People you meet along the way are like hearted and like minded. Escape from daily chaos of life . Push to do something out of comfort zone and explore Ireland. The mountains make all troubles feel very small for a while !! Yoga on beach , .. with waves sound as white noise , is privilege to experience. Thank you Jenny for these incredible moments I return to daily .” - Eva, Student.

Some words about Jenny…

Learn more about Jenny…


Stay tuned for Jenny's offerings...

Stay tuned for Jenny's offerings...