Jenny O’Hare

"Do you think that there is anything not attached by an unbreakable cord to everything else? We are each other's destiny."

- Mary Oliver

I have carried the knowledge of an animistic world with me since childhood. In a time of great forgetting, it is good to remember that which we knew before we learned modernity, and to follow the path of our own true nature. 

What I call our true nature - that we, as humans, are physically, energetically, spiritually and soulfully entwined with this complex living breathing planet - is available to us all. This world has created us, life has brought us into being, and we are meant to be here. There is so much healing, wholing and regeneration possible when we follow this thread. 

My adult journey has really been about finding and sharing that same belonging and kinship with the human ones.  

My journey has brought me through meditation, drum, dance, circle way, ritual, writing and much much more to land me firmly in the embodied mystery of this creation. 

I believe the living world teaches us most deeply how to be, if only we may pay attention. 

“Jenny is a nature-loving, experience-it-all human kind of being. She believes most deeply in our absolute belonging to the natural world, and in a beautiful reciprocal relationship between humans and the web of life.” 

I am a facilitator, Depth Ecologist and Nature Guide. Originally following a passion for the living world through science, with a degree in Earth Science and a Masters in Ecological Conservation, I have worked alongside various environmental organisations and experienced the wonder and interconnectivity of our planet in many ways. 

Realising the depth of human-nature connection far beyond the scientific realm, and an awareness of this time of great need, I began to explore and offer deeper ways of connecting with the living world. I have trained in Environmental Education, Nature Resonance, Eco-Therapy, Eco-Psychology, Spiritual Ecology and Solo Nature guiding. I have also trained in the Work that Reconnects, and Ceremony and Ritual for Death and Dying. 

My offerings draw on all of these modalities, but hold simplicity at their core: our presence and participation with the world. 

My work has recently included Seasonal Nature connection toolkits, guided personal contemplative practices, group and one-to-one ecotherapy, Wheel of the Year ceremonies, Eco-grief circles, and supporting Wilderness Rites of Passage. 

I invite you back into our fundamental belonging, with yourself, one another, and the rest of the living world.

"The soul of the world and our unique individual souls are intimate friends. One cannot thrive without the other. Together we blossom."

Recovering scientist, wildly devotional.

Big kid energy!

Not a faithful lover when she goes to the forest.

Some words about Jenny…

“Thank you for all your love, tenderness and wisdom – for everything you have shared with me during this sacred time. You are without a doubt the most youthful and fun elder I have met so far!”  ~ Jakub

“One of the most potent and well held spiritual gatherings of my life. Transformative and super informative. Now I am deeply, soul food nourished, changed and warmed by our experience together.” ~Sinead 

“Over a year later, I still practise your tools to ground me and guide me in my day - so useful, and fun! Thank you for reminding me how much a part of the living world I truly am.” ~Eve 

Learn more about Jenny…



Stay tuned for Jenny's offerings...

Stay tuned for Jenny's offerings...