A day of experiential practice and profound exploration of that which often troubles us. As we descend towards Samhain, and the embrace of the darker months, how can we befriend the darker parts within? What does it look like for a community to come together to explore that which often lies hidden?
Grief and Shame live within so many of our experiences, yet they often remain hidden, ignored or even rejected. When we learn the skills and tools to welcome these vital aspects of life, we learn the profound medicine they contain. They lose their power to bind us. We free up so much life force energy, ourselves, and the the depth of wisdom that is speaking through them.
Through expert guidance, gentle reflective invitations, embodiment practices, and ritual, we will explore together the profound beauty of turning toward our sorrows, our shame, our troubles, and letting them flow free.
Befriending, welcoming, and reclaiming the stories of grief and shame. This immersive workshop is a journey into the depths of your emotional landscape, uncovering the wisdom hidden in the shadows. Through acceptance and reprogramming, you will transform these once-difficult emotions into powerful allies for healing and growth.
Practices You Will Experience:
Connective Practices: Deepen your sense of community and trust through grounding and somatic exercises designed to anchor you in the present moment.
Embodiment Practices: Reclaim your body’s innate wisdom with movement, breath, and somatics to embody the emotions of grief and shame, allowing them to move through and release.
Grief & Shame Circles: Participate in a deeply personal journey where you are witnessed, supported, and received by the circle as you honor and release your story.
Ritual Offering: offering back to life what you’ve uncovered throughout the day. Through ritualized actions, you will honor and release old stories, inviting in new beginnings.
Movement & Dance Practice: A celebratory dance, releasing through your body the space you’ve made within—soft, gentle, and freeing.
Silence as Medicine: Experience the profound medicine of silence, giving space for reflection, integration, and deep listening to your inner self.
Who Is This For?
Anyone who has or is experiencing grief or shame in their lives who would like to sit this experience in greater meaning making and cultural context.
Those seeking more resilience in their inner and outer worlds.
Anyone who has carried something unseen or unwitnessed.
Anyone in grief, in shame, in beauty or in challenge who is moved by the necessity to tend to the dark and difficult as well as the light.
Those who would like to support others (family, friends, loved ones, community) in their lives.
You are welcome.
How You Will Feel After the Workshop:
You will walk away empowered, with a deeper acceptance of grief and shame, able to say, "I am grieving" or "I feel shame," and hold space for these feelings with grace. You will feel freer, more whole, and aligned with your true self, equipped with practical tools to navigate these emotions with compassion and integrity.
You also receive:
Masterclass on Grief & Shame as preparation (pre-recorded included in ticket purchase)
Join Us
We're offering this workshop at a sliding scale to make it accessible - please decide based on your means what you can invest.
€110 - Give back to your community & support someone else to attend
€95 - Standard rate - use code STANDARD95
€80 - Receive support from your community, for those on low income - use code RECEIVE80
Schedule for the Day
12.00 Opening. Gentle introductions. Welcoming our bodies to the space. Meditation to land.
12.15 Sounding / calling forth the forces that want to support us in this work.. Opening to the Directions.
12.35 Introduction from us as Guides. Input on Grief and Shame, the link between these two topics.
12.50 Reflective piece to invite in what people are coming with.
13.00 Sharing Circle / round - What are you carrying? to voice the topics alive in the space
13.20 Grief Mandala
14.15 BREAK
15.00 Framing Shame. Imbas transmission.
15.20 Sharing Triads
15.50 Movement piece to move through & integrate the shame circle
16.20 BREAK
16.45 Link between Grief and Shame. Input on processing.
16.55 Ritual. Offerings to the altar (in centre) Closing piece
17.30 Darkness and Silence to Integrate (deep rest)
17.45 Closing Circle